Check this page regularly for upcoming versions...
Install Modula-2 compiler XDS first!!
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user defined in module with global variables
Here we list all PACS specific errors, check the XDS troubleshooting page for general errors.
Check also the FAQ.
Problem Solution compile error: Key Inconsistency in ... compile PACSInterface.def first
run PACS.mod thencompile error: Severe Error in ....mod (1:23): INTERNAL ASSERT(17) while reading symbol file "....sym" delete all .SYM-files (generated by XDS) and recompile Severe Error in PACSSound.mod (4:15): file open error: "Windows.sym" no such file The installation of your XDS went wrong, it didn't install Windows.sym (necessary for PACS with sound): copy this file from here to the SYM/x86/ folder (which is in the folder where you installed XDS):
- for XDS 2.32: Windows.sym
- for XDS 2.45: Windows.sym
to download this file: rightclick on the link and select "Save link as ..."Error in PACSGui.mod (41:17): undeclared identifier "VideoConfig" you are using XDS version 2.32 (in PC-rooms from the third floor):
in file PACSGUI.mod, line 5: change <* NEW XDS_245 + *> into <* NEW XDS_245 - *>Error in PACSGui.mod (65:1): proper procedure is expected you are using XDS version 2.45 (in PC-rooms from the third floor):
in file PACSGUI.mod, line 5: change <* NEW XDS_245 - *> into <* NEW XDS_245 + *>
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