In a nutshell

Early life and education

Born in Jette. Wore my diapers in Hever. Primary eduction in Hever. Went to secundary school in Haacht, picked math-sciences during the last two years. Went to Vrije Universiteit Brussel to take Engineering classes. Was allowed to call myself master of science: applied computer sciences after five years.

Research career

In October 2009, I started as a PhD student at the VUB-ETRO. My first research focused on the parallellization of a semi-regular 3D mesh codec, based on 3xC, which was also developed at VUB-ETRO. This was a good opportunity to improve my parallel programming skills and get a sense of scalable compression techniques.

I became a member of the Intel Exascience Lab in July 2010. In this large team, my responsibily was the design and development of an interface between the large scientific simulation and the in-situ visualization.

At the end of 2010, I received an IWT grant which allowed me to focus completely on research based on a proposal written by myself. The projected timeframe for this work is four years, which means that I will be doing this research until the end of 2014.