Upload your VUB website

VUB/ULB Rekencentrum/Calculation Center (=>  Services offered ... => Hosting of Webpages => Personal Homepages)

This page contains all information to publish a personal website on the webserver of the VUB (VUB students & staff only). It is just a understandable compilation of the information of the above website.

  1. What?
  2. Activate webpage (first time)
  3. Update the webpage
  4. Add to the VUB elvas.
  5. Troubleshooting

1. What?

You can create a personal website at the VUB, that will be named:
"http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~USERNAME/" where you replace USERNAME with your login name.
For example, if your login name is "pol", the correct url would be "http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~pol"

You will have to create your website on your personal drive (Z or E, in a folder named public_html) and then copy it to the webserver of the VUB.
Start your favorite HTML editor (Word,  Netscape Composer, Frontpage, Notepad, Dreamweaver (my favorite) and create your first page that should be called welcome.html.
When it's finished, save it as "welcome.html" in Z:\public_html\. If the directory doesn't exist, create it!

The first time you will have to activate your website, as follows:

2. Activate webpage

-Open a telnet client (PuTTy is availaible in the computer rooms)
-connect to mach.vub.ac.be, make sure a telnet connection is selected, and open the connection.


  1. A new black window will open.
  2. When asked, enter your login (The same one you use to login on your winNT computer), hit enter and enter your password (again, the same one you use to login on your winNT computer). Should you make a typerror, close the window and go back to (1) as the "Backspace" key won't work.
  3. When login is succesful, you should see a lot of useless text. The last line should be "TERM = (vt100)". Just hit ENTER.
  4. The next line should be "Type in the key you want to use for erasing characters (^?). Just hit your BACKSPACE key.
  5. A new screen will appear. Press "w"
  6. A new screen will appear. Press "n"
  7. Again, a lot of text will appear. Read it carefully and try to understand it. If you don't understand a single word of it, just type "yes" (without the quotes) and hit ENTER.
  8. When the line "Press <CR> to continue" is displayed, hit ENTER
  9. A new screen will appear. Hit Escape to go back to the main menu.
  10. Hit "q" and close the current telnet window.
Now, you will get a default webpage. Change it to your own creation:

3. Update the webpage

Met behulp van een handig FTP programma

FTP documentation, use WinSCP
use homepages.vub.ac.be as internet address with your login & password
  1. Download your website from the server
  2. Change your website locally (for example with Seamonkey Composer)
  3. Upload it back to the webserver (including pictures!!)
  4. Open your website again homepages.vub.ac.be/~username with a webbrowser.
  5. To see the results immediatly, you may need to right-click > Refresh Page (or a similar command depending on your browser).

Open nu uw pagina in uw browser: "http://student.vub.ac.be/~USERNAME" met USERNAME uw login naam.

Met behulp van de goede oude basic ftp (niet zo gebruiksvriendelijk)

-Open the Run window (Start => Run)

ftp homepages.vub.ac.be

-When asked, enter your login, hit ENTER, enter your password, and hit ENTER again.
- Next, check the contents of your drive:
- If there is no folder called public_html, create it:
mkdir public_html
- Go to that folder:
cd public_html
- check the contents with dir
- copy your own webpage to it:
put Z:/public_html/welcome.html
If succesfull you get a message "... bytes transferred..."
- to copy all files at once:
prompt    (switch off the interactive mode)
mput Z:/public_html/*   (* means all files)

- to finish:

Everything should be done now!
Try to open your webpage in your favorite browser. The url is
"http://student.vub.ac.be/~USERNAME" where you replace USERNAME with your login name.

Usefull ftp commands

4. Put your website address on the elvas

  1. Go to elvas , choose login (last item)
  2. Log in with your user name (first part of your VUB email address) and password
  3. Answer 'Yes' to questions concerning secure links
  4. You will return to the main page of elvas, click on the second item (your name), this brings you to your personal data
  5. Below  you can enter the web address of your homepage

5. Troubleshooting

The first page should be named "welcome.html" (.htm is not sufficient). -Open the Run window (Start => Run)

telnet mach.vub.ac.be

A new window will open. When asked, enter your login (The same one you use to login on your winNT computer), hit enter and enter your password (again, the same one you use to login on your winNT computer). Should you make a typerror, close the window and start all over again, as the "Backspace" key won't work. When login is succesful, you should see a lot of useless text. The last line should be "TERM = (vt100)". Just hit ENTER. The next line should be "Type in the key you want to use for erasing characters (^?). Just hit your BACKSPACE key.
A new screen will appear. Press "w"
A new screen will appear. Press "c"
Hit BACKSPACE and then press "q"
Close the current window and try to open your webpage again.