Next: Master
Up: Parallel Collision Detection
Previous: Parallel Virtual Machine
As is usually the case in Parallel Computing, we presumed that
communication is much slower than computation when designing our
parallel solution to collision detection. This assumption implies
performing as little communication as possible to make sure that all
processors in the computer are kept busy and no time is wasted. An
easy strategy to obtain this goal is using a Master Slave approach,
shown in 3. In
this approach, we start up a task that divides the total
work and assigns it to a number of worker tasks.
Figure 3:
Master Slave approach
\includegraphics [width=10cm] {m_s.eps}
\end{center}\end{figure}](img4.gif) |
The controlling task is called the master, the tasks doing the actual
work are called slaves. Usually, slaves are generated as necessary to
solve the problem, leaving it up to PVM when and where to execute
them. This is not the approach we'll be taking for a number of
reasons. First of all, generating a lot more processes than there are
processors available can induce a lot of overhead since this will
cause several tasks to be multiplexed over a single
processor. The second reason is inherent to the collision detection
problem itself, namely the initialization time. Each time a new slave is
started, it will have to load the entire scene into its memory. As
this is probably the most expensive part in the entire program,
requiring a lot of disk access and list traversal, this will incur a
great loss of speed. That's why we keep the slaves alive
during the entire run of the program, so that they can load the scene
once and use it over and over again. Of course, due to this approach,
we need to provide an explicit communication protocol instead of
passing all the needed data before starting up. Now, let's look at the
Master's responsibilities a bit closer.
Next: Master
Up: Parallel Collision Detection
Previous: Parallel Virtual Machine
Marc Ramaekers