thesis - motivation - approach - overview - position of research - results
Current (non-intelligent) techniques will never be able to create an
ideal machine. They can always improve the machine, but the ultimate goal
will never be reached . Only ?intelligence? can solve the problems. This
is proven by the human intelligence, as a human plus a computer form the
ideal machine.
Moreover, we are getting stuck in more and more complex software, generating
more and more problems to be solved.
Parallelisation is a complex matter:
The VUB PADX lab is specialised in parallelisation and discrete event simulation. I will use this experience to do my research on both topics.
My research is specific in 4 aspects: the problem analysis, the technique evaluation, the model of human intelligence and the synthesis.
1. Evaluation of techniques
A structured analysis starts with defining the ideal machine, here,
the ideal parallelisator and the ideal simulator. Then, we should make
an inventory of the things that should further be automated and analysed
how to do this.
But the real problem is that most current techniques fail in doing
this! Most research goes into developing and refining techniques, without
making a thorough analysis. I belief that criticical analysis is an important
lack in informatics research!
2. Problem analysis
My research is mainly a thorough analysis, not a construction of another
technique. There is a lack of vision, a lack of answers to important questions.
Questions like
what do techniques solve and what not? What can be automated? What
not? And above all, why not? What are the fundamental problems to
be solved.
These questions have to be answered.
3. Human intelligence
In doing this analysis, an important aspect in defining an ideal machine
is applying the well-known Turing Test, because a human can write a perfect
parallelised program. The combination of the computer and the human intelligence
forms an ideal machine. So in evaluating current techniques, we have a
test and in analysing the problems we have a clue.
4. Synthesis
The succes of this research will be measured by the succes of structuring
and synthesizing the analysis. Moreover, I know that formalisation is crucial
and is the ultimate challenge.
Position of Research
It is clear that it is a multidisciplinar topic (combination of parallel
systems, programming, software engineering & AI). I hope that I can
show the necessity of this.
Furthermore, I belief that the same fundamental problems can be detected
in other areas as well and that the solution combines several research
fields (this will be elaborated). Therefore a global approach is necessary
and it can be considered as fundamental research.
Futhermore, I belief there?s good chance that this analysis will lead
to a AI-hard problem, what justifies fundamental research.