Until now, intelligence is defined vaguely as the things humans still
can and computers not...
Information System
examples, applications
To start my research I define following properties of information systems:
- Expressiveness (EXPR). An information system contains knowledge/information.
Expressiveness is a measure for what kind of information can be put in
the system. Especially the power of defining and applying general reasoning
rules will be necessary for the parallelisator.
- Recognition (RECOG) of characteristics of the problem, like
in pattern recognition. This relates to similarity detection (explained
- Understanding: for some requirements the information system
should understand what is meant. However, this concept is not fully understood
and still vague. A start of giving the concept a concrete form are the
properies similarity detection (see recognition) and the notion of levels
in a program (see later).
- Reasoning: one thing humans do is reasoning. We need to understand
this phenomenon in order to solve some kind of problems.
- Minimal Information Principle: hoe uitleggen? Uitwerken?
<> Implementation
important difference!
necessary for: programming, optimisation (same result, faster implementation),