Parallel Systems

Parallel Performance Tool EPPA: Documentation

Objectives  (Read also our EPPA PR-talk)

Download (for MPI)

   Extract archives with tar -zxf <file>
    Set the PARDIR variable to the directory where you put the files
  Needed: qt, mysql & mpi

PVM User Guide

MPI User Guide

The files & their purpose

On our LINUX system, the files are under the PARDIR directory (set to /home/parallel/software).
The files:

Include them in the projectfile as follow:

INCLUDEPATH    =  $(PARDIR)/include
LIBS           = -L$(MYSQLDIR)/lib -L$(PARDIR)/lib -lpar -lmysqlclient

Extra instrumentation

The constants are defined in standardlib.h, but their integer value can also be applied.
Add the correct parameters for each level!
  1. Enable/disable profiling (call before MPI_Init call!!)
  2. Application information 
  3. Application parameters
  4. Computation phase parameters (call during the computation phase)
  5. Type of computation phase (call at end of the computation phase)
  6. Start/Stop measurements (optional)
  7. Additional measurements

MPI example program with EPPA profiling


Run of the programs:
Exp <experiment ID>

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