
The PACS engine
One may wonder why we came up with this engine concept and what
it is good for. Well, we want different people to use our game for this
project. Since this project should allow you to learning to program we
can not ask you to understand how we programmed the game. That we be a
little bit too much ;-) We can even say that you do not want to know. So
we have to shield you from the program that makes up the game. Well that
we has been done. All the code that take compute that game is hidden in
the engine. You only see the results produced by the engine not how it

Things the engine does
We just said that we want to hide the complexity of the game program from
you. It is however useful to give you a sense of what kind of information
the engine is using and which part of it you will need.
The engine keeps track of the position of the different players and
objects. So when you ask a player to move the engine knows where
it is standing in the arena and can see whether you player can move like
that. You could very well run onto a wall. The points of the different
teams are also computed by the game engine.
Aside from this the engine will also display the game on screen. Again,
all these things are being done for you by the engine ;-) The engine also
provides information you can use to debug your player and the possibility
to control a player step by step using the keyboard.
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