Our lab at 4k226 provides access to our LINUX environment, but also
room 4k219a (next to the elevator) serves 4 computers to our
Ask an assistant to open the door at office hours or borrow a key (20
Euro guarantee).
Logging into our system from the PC's of the 3rd floor is also
possible, use VNC as explained here:
Ask your assistent for a login + password.
To login: type your login id, type your password,
choose kde-3.4 as session
and press ENTER.
Once logged in, you can open a console or terminal from the toolbar
at the bottom of your window. Click on the netscape button
(white&blue N) of the toolbar and surf to our website
for full documentation.
You don't have to close your applications yourself, they will be closed
automatically and will restart the next time you log in,
so leave them open!!
Choose logout, by pressing the big 'K' on your toolbar (down left).
You can save your settings, this means that open applications will
when logging in again.
When the KDE interface is blocked and you can't do anything, press
first Ctrl+Alt+F1 (you get a bloack login window) and then Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
Only use the power button of the PC when really nothing else is
To shutdown the PC, choose Shutdown
in the login screen.
When rebooting, the LINUX Operating System is automatically chosen.
You can access your files with a secure ftp program, like WinSCP, see
website => documentation => varia => ftp. Host name is parallel.vub.ac.be.
Switch between all available screensizes with Ctrl-Alt-+ and
To learn using our linux system, we provide a programming example:
-> documentation -> mpi -> program example