package package-name; // defines package to which this file belongs
import java.awt.Color; // Import one class (Color) of the java.awt package
import java.awt.event.* // Import all classes
class-name [extends
interface-name...] { class-body
}visibility | The default visibility is package visibility
class is accessible to everyone in package public -- can be used by everyone. private -- visible only in this class. protected -- visible in this class and all
subclasses.?? |
abstract | abstract class |
parent-class | This is the name of the parent class of this class
(only one). The default parent class in java is Object . |
interface-name | For each interface that is implemented: this class must define all methods of the interface |
class-body | consists of attributes and methods |
concrete class | All methods are concrete, have an implementation. Only these can be instantiated to create an object. |
abstract class | Got some abstract
(non-implemented) methods. Should be overridden by child class to
create a concrete class. |
interface class | No attributes or implemented methods (pure abstract class). Use keyword interface in definition. |
Variable | Node myNode; | A reference to an object,
null if empty. |
Creation | myNode = new Node(); | A class in instantiated
the object is created by calling the
method. |
Deletion | - |
Objects are automatically deleted when it has no more references (= garbage collection). |
Passing objects as arguments |
Do(myNode); |
Always by reference. |
Returning objects |
myNode; |
Returns a reference. |
final | Constant, eg final int MAX_PAGES = 32; |
static | Class-level variable,
one value per class. Eg object counter, Class.sCounter++; |
super | Reference to the parent class, eg. super.Draw(); |
this | Self-reference, eg. when
a reference to yourself. |
object.f | Member (attribute or method) of object or class. |
x == y | Comparison, true if x and y refer to the same object, otherwise false (even if values of the objects are the same). |
x != y | As above for inequality. |
comparison | Compare object values with .equals() or .compareTo() |
x = y | Assignment copies the reference, not the object. Both variables refer to the same object. Clone the object to make a copy. |
x instanceof co | true if the object x is an instance of class co, or is an instance of the class of co. |